One of the most common questions we are asked is “which is better: soaps or sanitizers?” That’s a tough one to answer, because both have their benefits. The best answer would be to use both soaps and hand sanitizers to keep your hands clean and prevent the spread of germs, and that hand sanitizer can be an effective alternative to soap and water when none is available.
When is using soap and water the best option?
Old fashioned soap and water is always the recommended choice for cleaning your hands, however, technique is important. Most people do not wash their hands properly, which reduces the effectiveness of soap and water.
When washing your hands, use warm water, then rub the soap into a gentle lather and spread it around your hands and nails for at least 20 seconds, about the time it takes to say the ABCs in your head. Drying is the final, but most important step. Make sure your hands are thoroughly dried to complete the cleaning process.
When should I use hand sanitizer?
Hand sanitizer is a convenient option for when you don’t have water and soap. These products rely on alcohol to physically kill cells and harmful bacteria, but they don’t work properly if your hands are soiled with dirt or filth.
To get the most out of your hand sanitizer, apply it to both the front and backs of your hands and make sure to apply around the fingernails. Keep rubbing the sanitizer over your hands until it evaporates completely.
Soaps and hand sanitizers in New England can be used together to maximize cleanliness. For the ultimate germ-busting power, wash your hands of dirt using soap and water, then follow up with an application of hand sanitizer.