Studies show Americans spend more than 90% of their time indoors … whether it is in schools, offices, workplace or homes. As we “hunker down” during the winter months, our windows are sealed and indoor air continues to be re-circulated day after day.
Regular indoor vacuuming in a facility assists in decreasing the indoor particulants. The removal of these polluting particles can be maximized with the use of HEPA vacuum filters.
As you consider HEPA filters, consider the difference between .1 micron and .3 micron particulate size and filtration performance.
Here are some examples of micron size:
Superfine particles that measure .1 micron can easily penetrate the body\’s defense mechanisms. Some studies have shown these superfine particles can cause more inflammation than larger respirable particlesmade from the same material.
For this reason, we recommend the EDIC Atlas HEPA Backpack Vacuum that delivers an amazing 99.99% efficiency at 0.1 microns. It is a super light-weight backpack vacuum that weighs just 10 pounds, and with this high performance, is approved for lead-safe purposes with the Turbo brush kit.
> Read more about EDIC Atlas
> View Banner’s HEPA vacuums and list pricing